How Much Does a Living Trust Cost?
Make no mistake about it, your attorney is going to change you an extra fee for drafting a living trust for you. As previously noted, your lawyer will have to prepare both a living trust and a will for you. A living trust agreement also is longer and more complicated than a will. In addition, your attorney will have to advise you how to retitle all of your assets to the name of the trust. You should ask your attorney how much more it would be to prepare a living trust as opposed to a comparable will, and then you can weigh that against the potential benefits which will be derived by executing a living trust.
The exact cost of a living trust depends on your individual circumstances and the complexity of documentation and planning required to achieve your goals and objectives. Before you direct an attorney to set up a trust for you, ask for estimates of how much it will cost. The fee arrangement should be in writing.
If you have to change title to real estate to your living trust, there will be a fee for that as well.
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